Showcase of my work on Front-End Developer.
Dicoding Jobs
Dicoding Jobs is an online job search and recruitment platform service to make it easier for job seekers to find work while also helping the industry find talent according to their needs. This service is provided by PT Presentologics, the parent company of PT Dicoding Akademi Indonesia, and/or its affiliates. A number of domestic and foreign company partners have entrusted their job hunting to Dicoding Jobs.
Parenting Hub
An educational media site and information about reviews, the growth and development of children and parenting.
Paninti Store
E-commerce for the most complete needs of mothers and babies.
Paninti Partner
A place for mutual cooperation to face the challenges of an increasingly dynamic economic condition
Restoku is an application to fulfill submissions dicoding in Become Front-End Developer Expert.
Al-Quran reading application with Indonesian translation verses.
Covid 19 Tracker Indonesia
A website that displays the total number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia